Monthly Archives: May 2011


Today I am grateful for

  1. Movies, when the weather is horrible Marlee and I can spend the day watching classics like Wizard of Oz, The Oristocats and Mary Poppins. Add popcorn and Milo and we are sussed.
  2. Giggles.
  3. Thai food. Marlee and I had dinner at our local Thai restaurant tonight. Spring rolls, money bags and pad thai, washed down with lemonade. YUM.
  4. Cuddles.
  5. Marlee.
  6. Coffee.
  7. Friendly daycare ladies who answered my inquiry like they actually wanted to be trusted with my daughter.
  8. Alex, see #4.



My opologies. To myself.

I cannot believe how slack I am becoming. My plan was to write on here every day so that I could look back through the posts and remember bits of my year I had forgotten. Hmmm, best laid plans and all that. Sigh, what has happened as of late?

  • Marlee, Louise and I went to a baby disco a few weeks back. It was held at a bar at the Viaduct and Marlee had a ball dancing and watching all the other children.
  • The Feelers! Tickets won through Jonny Love, who was opening for them on the night. Very cool.
  • Only 5 weeks of uni left!
  • Fashion and Still Life assignments finished. I have discovered that I hate still life photography with a passion and would rather scrub toilets for a living that loose my sanity in the studio all day… for only one photo.
  • Olive picking at the Pukekowa Judson’s house. Lovely day, heaps of olives, plenty of laughs and a well earned lunch. I slept well that night!

Marlee is staying at my house until Sunday. The weather is terrible today so we have been to the video store and to get some movies and popcorn. The Sound Of Music and The Wizard Of Oz for Marlee, and American Psycho for me (apparently I am a weirdo due to not having seen it yet – Alex). Beef strog is in the crockpot (best invention EVER!) for dinner, to be accompanied by mash and french stick. YUM, maybe winter isn’t so bad, at least we have an excuse to cook big hearty meals!